Purchasing Policy
Componentes de Vehículos de Galicia, S.A.


Additional information for purchase orders

  1. Copy of this order shall be submitted duly signed as a sign of acceptance.
  2. Our purchase order number shall be clearly indicated on the invoices.
  3. Invoices must be at Componentes de Vehículos de Galicia S.A. no later than the second working day of the month after order delivery. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in one month delay of payment..


Additional information for open purchase orders

This order is complemented with the approximative delivery programmes. 100% of the delivery period (amount and date) must be met. Each dispatch will include a delivery note that will include all materials sent, indicating the CVG registration number, the CVG order number, container number, batch, quantity (per container and total) and measurement number. Only will invoice per delivery note will be sent. The material must be delivered in accordance with the conditions of quality adopted in the supply report of acceptance and the logistic conditions specified in the logistics handbook.


pdf-iconCVG General conditions of purchase